Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Atlas of Anatomy

Atlas of Anatomy
Language: English | Format: PDF + EPUB | 4 Books | All In One | 566.76 MB

This includes the three volume THIEME Atlas of Anatomy, plus the one volume version. This really is the best anatomy atlas out there, beats Netter and others hands down. The 3 volumes are PDF’s of good quality, and the one volume version is a EPUB file (open with adobe digital edition, gives best results).
“Impressive…remarkably effective.”–Journal of the American Medical Association
“[Five stars] A brilliant masterpiece, filled with anatomical illustrations of great accuracy, appropriately labeled and aesthetically appealing.”–Doody’s Review
Atlas of Anatomy contains everything students need to successfully tackle the daunting challenges of anatomy.
Complete with exquisite, full-color illustrations by award-winning artists Markus Voll and Karl Wesker, the atlas is organized to lead students step-by-step through each region of the body. Each region opens with the foundational skeletal framework. The subsequent chapters build upon this foundation, adding the muscles, then organs, then vessels, then nerves, and finally presenting topographic anatomy for a comprehensive view. Each unit closes with surface anatomy accompanied by questions that ask the reader to apply knowledge learned for the real-life physical examination of patients.
2,200 full-color illustrations of unsurpassed quality
Brief introductory texts that provide an accessible entry point when a new topic is presented
Clinical correlates and images, including radiographs, MRIs, CT scans, and endoscopic views
Muscle Fact pages that organize the essentials, including origin, insertion, and innervation — ideal for memorization, reference, and review
Navigators that orient the reader with location and plane of dissection

General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System
Schuenke / Schulte / Schumacher / Ross / Lamperti / Voll/Wesker

Publication Date: March 2010
560 pp, 1,694 illustrations
ISBN (Americas): 9781604062861
ISBN (EUR, Asia, Africa, AUS): 9781604062861

Integrates stunning, full-color anatomy illustrations with must-know clinical concepts on every page

Setting a new standard for the study of anatomy, the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy, with access to WinkingSkull.com PLUS, is more than a collection of anatomical images–it is an indispensable resource for anyone who works with the human body.

Praise for the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System:
“This atlas contains superior illustrations of the musculoskeletal system of the trunk, upper, and lower extremities, as well as a concise but very informative overview of general anatomical concepts.”–American Association of Anatomists News
and more..

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