Monday, December 12, 2011

Snow HD Deluxe Edition v0.10.0-beta (0.10.0-beta) Android Apk

Snow HD Deluxe Edition 0.10.0-beta
Requirements: Android 2.3.3+
Overview: Simply the most realistic snow on Android.
Snow HD Deluxe Edition brings you the most realistic snowfall you'll ever meet in the Android live wallpaper. Merry christmas, everyone!

- Realistic fully 3D particle based snow.
- 2 different houses: Cottage (3 themes) and Mansion (2 themes)
- Different weather and day periods: night, moonless night, golden evening, day and sunset.
- Real-time day/night changes (in demo one day flies in 24 secs, this functionality will be finished in 2-3 weeks)
- 2 types of snow: Light and Heavy
- Ability to adjust snow particles count (from few to plenty)
- Randomly generated skies
- Beautiful moon
- Lots of realistic trees
- Based on greatly improved Tranquility 3D Engine ("Earth HD Live Wallpaper")
- 3 camera modes: Orbit (Far and Close) / Fixed / Linear move (Far and Close)
- 4 FPS limiting options to help your phone's battery
- Tons of customization options for quality or performance
- 100% 3D using OpenGL ES 2.0 / C++ for best performance
Don't miss the updates (coming soon):
- More houses (the next one will be available around 4th december)
- Camera improvements (path-based camera for the ultimate experience will be available around 4th december)
- Lots of scene's texture and models improvements
- Improved detalization mode
- Real day cycle depending on your phone's local time (will be finished approx. by 10th december)
100% tested on HTC Desire HD and Samsung Galaxy S II.

What's in this version:
New house: "Windmill"
Texures improved


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