Friday, November 23, 2012

Home Design 3D GOLD v2 1 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: Home Design 3D GOLD v2 1 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 147.75 MB

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,,,,Title: Home Design 3D GOLD v2.1 +##
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::: File Type: IPA ::: Date: 11/22/2012 :::
::: Platform: iOS 4.3+ ::: Cracker: Kim-Jong-Cracks :::
::: Protection: iTunes ::: Size: 154,915,407 bytes :::
Discover the ‘All Inclusive’ version of the reference app Home Design 3D.
Everything is included in the one package with no additional purchases!
Create, lay out, visit and share!
Have you ever wished to change the dco, the color or rearrange your home – Are
you about to move into a new apartment- Home Design 3D is the perfect app to
plan and design the home of your dreams with simplicity!
The Gold version allows you to take full advantage of all current and upcoming
content! You will be able to create both indoor and outdoor home plans, furnish
them and share them. Take advantage of the Home Design 3D community
( to share your ideas, get advice and find new design
- All content available from purchase
- An app that’s always up-to-date! No additional purchase required to take full
advantage of add-ons.
- Easy to use and intuitive interface
- New functions (copy and paste, snap, new outdoor claddings etc.)
- Drag and drop any object or piece of furniture (windows, doors, tables, desks,
carpeting, etc…)
- More than 200 different objects and joinery available for the house and the
- Advanced unlimited customization! All cladding and materials can be customized
as you like
- Share your projects on the website and take advantage of
the Home Design 3D community knowledge!
- Start your project on iPhone and finish it on iPad, thanks to iCloud
- Select the dimensions of every element of the house (walls, objects,
furniture, …)
- Visit your home in 3D with 2 navigation modes (First Person view and Observer
- Save and edit all your projects easily
- No internet connection
- Projects are saved in a format compatible with the PC version of the software
architecture 3D 3.2 so that you can complete them in your PC
- Illustrated tutorial available
- Updates regularly available
Calling all professionals! We can make it possible to see your products in Home
Design 3D. Contact us at
Discover 3D HOME DESIGN DELUXE available at:
Start you project on iPhone and achieve it on PC thanks to the exclusive
features available on 3D HOME DESIGN DELUXE:
- Unlimited number of floors
- Half level
- Cavity walls
- Roof
- Stairs
- Fully customizable Doors and Windows (dimensions, textures)
- Mezzannes, handrails
- Plinth, frieze, bedrock Editor
- Modification of objects’s components (handles, …)
- Advanced 3D rendering (Raytracing, reflections, shadows, lightings)
You can send by email your 2D plan created on iPhone or iPad, and achieve it on
What’s New in Version 2.1
- Improved switch between 2D and 3D with correction of crashes
- New menu bar (iPad only)
- Adding new textures
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*Many Thanks to: Dissident, Rastignac, TTWJ, Hackulos and Kim-Jong Teams whose*
**hard work produced the tools and resources to bring free apps to the public**
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