Friday, December 7, 2012

iFlights Pro v2.6.0 Apk App

iFlights Pro v2.6.0

iFlights Pro v2.6.0
 Requirements: Android 1.6+
 Overview: Real-time information on flights worldwide.
 For travelers or if you expect someone at the airport, essential.

 Real-time information on flights worldwide.
 For travelers or if you expect someone at the airport, essential.
 Good looks, easy and fast handling.

 + (PRO) You have a widget to control a flight, to notify changes and alerts.
 + (PRO) Looking for flights at airports in other countries.
 + (PRO) Unlimited alarms
 + (PRO) No advertising
 + (FREE) Weather information with forecast 3 days
 + (FREE) Looking for flights on other dates
 + (FREE) Only two alarms available
 + (FREE) Share a flight data in text or image format, using gmail, sms, whatsapp, etc
 + (FREE) More than 9,000 airports worldwide
 + (FREE) Full international flight coverage
 + (FREE) Geotag your position and find your nearest airport
 + (FREE) Looking for flights at your airport
 + (FREE) Free version with ads

 Internet connection required to get the information.
 I need your feedback to improve iFlights Pro, please use email or twitter.
 Thanks and good luck with your flight

 NOTE: Apologies if your flight is not found. not all companies (Ryanair) and airports provide information of their flights.

 What's in this version:
 + Add a alarm to warn about a flight
 + Flight data is available offline after one request
 + Visual improvements
 + Fixed bugs


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