Friday, January 6, 2012

BatteryXL - Battery Saver Beta v1.2.5 (1.2.5) Android Apk App

BatteryXL - Battery Saver Beta 1.2.5 For Android os 2.1 and higher devices.
Overview: Smart savings, smarter phone!

Battery Indicator Pro v5.0.7
Battery Booster (Tablet Version) v3.7
Easy Battery Saver+Task Killer v2.4.1
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v2.0.3

BatteryXL is top choice among battery saving apps for Android.
Having a smart phone is a great asset in today's wired world but all those awesome devices (e.g. WiFi, 4G, GPS, and Bluetooth) seem to shrivel even the most high tech batteries in a matter of hours :(

BatteryXL saves by minimizing the drain on your phone's battery during periods of inactivity while maximizing functionality as soon as you want to connect with the world. Try it today for free!

Introducing BatteryXL!

Toss that extra battery! Leave your charger at home! Intuitive interfaces plus smart savings equal a smarter phone with longer battery life.

As soon as you install BatteryXL the savings begin. The app works automatically by regulating the heavy battery-draining devices mentioned above. Complete the optional three question optimization process to further customize savings according to your smartphone habits. Doubling your battery life might just be as easy as 1,2,3!

BatteryXL allows the user to manage WiFi, Mobile Data, GPS, Bluetooth, and Autosync automatically or manually on-the-fly with minimal impact on daily use.

This is the super savings application that Android users have always dreamed of. Powerful yet simple to use, this app is jam packed with functionality and beautiful interfaces.

Smart savings, smarter phone!

- Free to download!
- WiFi, Mobile Data, GPS, Bluetooth, Autosync automatic and manual controls
- Time-scheduled automation for Autosync and connection devices.
- Four additional modes to automate connectivity: Night, Peak, Charging, and Low Battery
- Whitelist for controlling connectivity on app-by-app basis
- Interactive Quickview of settings interface
- Estimated remaining Idle, Calling, WiFi, Data, Music, Video, and Gaming times
- Notification Bar icon with remaining battery percentage
- Volume, Brightness, Screen Timeout controls
- Backup and Restore settings functionality
- Full Log of all BatteryXL activity

Known Issues:
-Bluetooth will disable when screen is turned off, regardless of connectivity, if not selected in the "While screen off".
-GPS has been known to remain connected on some devices and Android versions when settings should otherwise disconnect it.
-Some users have had their estimated remaining usage times disappear. This is a bug. To fix this bug:
1. Open BatteryXL
2. On the home screen, tap your phone's name next to the "Model:" interface, underneath the On/Off button
3. This opens the battery capacity interface. What is the value listed next to "Capacity:"? If it is not what your phone's current battery capacity (mAH) is, then edit this value accordingly. Search the internet if you are not sure.

Previous Version(s):
BatteryXL - Battery Saver Beta v1.2.1

Recent changes:
If Connection Guard is off, any unselected devices in "While Screen is Off" are disabled as soon as Screen Off's Disconnection Timer completes.

Smart Schedule activates regardless of screen state.

Changed notification sound to match user's system notification tone.

Users may now choose Screen ON or Screen UNLOCK as trigger for auto-enabling devices

Adjustable mAH (battery capacity)
Users can now edit their battery capacity from the Home screen's "Phone" interface.



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