Wednesday, November 21, 2012

iDisplay v2 6 6 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: iDisplay v2 6 6 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 1.62 MB

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,,,,Title: iDisplay v2.6.6 +##
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::: File Type: IPA ::: Date: 11/20/2012 :::
::: Platform: iOS 4.3+ ::: Cracker: Kim-Jong-Cracks :::
::: Protection: iTunes ::: Size: 1,685,192 bytes :::
Turn your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch into additional display for your Mac or
Windows computer. Increase your personal productivity by extending your computer
screen! Perfect tool for multitaskers, iDisplay lets you use your iPad, iPhone
or iPod touch as interactive wireless display to give you more screen real
estate or mirror your main display.
Why choose iDisplay over hardware display?
- Your iPad, iPhone and iPod touch can be your secondary display
- Works with both Mac and Windows computers
- iDisplay lets you interact with your additional display: move objects, draw,
control playback
- Zoom and Pan your desktop right on iOS device
- Easily switch between portrait and landscape screen orientations: simply
rotate your device and it will adjust automatically
- Normal and double resolution modes for Retina displays
- Connect up to 36 iOS devices to one Mac, select their layout once and use it
anytime later
- Customize display settings for each device you use as your secondary display,
iDisplay will remember your preferences
- Create a list of favorite apps which you regularly use on iDisplay and move
them to iDisplay with one click!
On Mac OS X you can choose one of 3 following iDisplay modes:
- Use iDisplay as regular secondary display: gives you more screen space for
everything you have to keep your eye on.
- Mirror image from main display on your iPad / iPhone / iPod touch: comes in
handy when you need to share your desktop with your audience. Keep in mind
that iDisplay allows to connect up to 36 iOS devices to one Mac!
- Single-window mode: use iDisplay for one application of your choice. Quickly
move selected apps from list of your favorite apps to iDisplay with one click!
On Windows, iDisplay can be used as regular secondary display, mirroring and
single-window modes are not yet supported.
Mac OS X
iDisplay Desktop application needs to be installed on your Mac.
iDisplay Desktop is free and can be downloaded anytime at
iDisplay is compatible with Intel-based Macs running on Mac OS X 10.5 and later.
iDisplay Desktop application needs to be installed on your PC.
iDisplay Desktop is free and can be downloaded anytime at
iDisplay is compatible with Windows XP (32-bit only), Windows Vista (32- and 64
-bit), Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit) and Windows 8.
Windows 7 Starter Edition is not supported.
For Windows Vista and Windows 7 “Aero” theme may be disabled when connected to
iDisplay and will be re-enabled upon disconnection).
Your computer and iOS device must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
NOTE: Video playback on iDisplay may be laggy. We’re working on its
optimization, please make sure to keep your iDisplay up to date!
What’s New in Version 2.6.6
- Significantly improved performance
- Bug fixes
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*Many Thanks to: Dissident, Rastignac, TTWJ, Hackulos and Kim-Jong Teams whose*
**hard work produced the tools and resources to bring free apps to the public**
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