Wednesday, November 21, 2012

SalaryBook – Time Sheet v2 6 3 iOS 5 0+

Release Name: SalaryBook – Time Sheet v2 6 3 iOS 5 0+
Release Name: 7.32 MB

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,,,,Title: SalaryBook – Time Tracker v2.6.3 +##
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::: File Type: IPA ::: Date: 11/20/2012 :::
::: Platform: iOS 5.0+ ::: Cracker: Kim-Jong-Cracks :::
::: Protection: iTunes ::: Size: 7,661,598 bytes :::
Keep track of your worked hours and earnings on-the-go with SalaryBook, make
sure any billable hour doesnt go unaccounted. Enter your time entries and your
pay will be displayed in a variety of formats for easy analysis. It keeps your
income and work time in perspective by allowing you to quickly and easily view
it in different time periods.
SalaryBook is perfect for freelancers, consultants & professionals who charge
for their services on an hourly basis and who need a way to manage and keep
track of flexible working hours and earnings. For a single – or multiple Jobs.
SalaryBook helps you see the big picture within a quick and easy glance.
Itll give you answers on questions like: on which days have I been working? How
much, and on what? Is all that time billable time? And how much did I make ?
The inbuilt calendar enables you to easily control and track your working time.
You can enter manually working period details such as hourly rate, start & end
time, billable time and extra amount, or by setting up a default work schedule.
Tracking time shouldn’t take time. SalaryBook is designed to respect you time,
entering worked time and pay rate is intuitive and easy by using the calendar.
The time spend on managing you work time and earnings is reduced to a minimum.
Keep a watchful eye on your time and salary by easily generating daily or
monthly reports covering any period of time, giving you an overview of earnings
and worked hours. Export for any period of time an overview of all work &
earnings details to your email account for archiving or further analysis.
Feature Highlights:
- Designed for those who want to calculate or keep track of the hours they work.
- Displayed monetary units and date formats based on your devices regional
- Support for multiple work periods on the same day.
- Ability to add multiple jobs
- Ability to add overtime
- Support for work-hours which continue into the next day (night shifts).
- Ability to add notes for each work period entry.
- Ability to add non billable time and extra money (e.g. tips).
- Export by email an overview of daily or monthly totals.
- Backup and keep your data safe and restore it later through your Dropbox
- Export CSV files to your email account or store them in your Dropbox folder.
- Automatically calculate total earnings since the beginning of the workday,
month, or year.
- Animated counter updates continuously as earnings grow, accounting for input
- View charts and reports based on worked time or earnings for any given period.
- View the time worked so far for the current day, month, or year.
- PassCode security protects data.
- Simple, attractive interface.
- Custom large number pad.
- Optimized Retina Display.
If time is money, knowing where your time is going will help you understand
where your money is going as well. SalaryBook will help you to track the time
you spend on your work to better assess how well you’re working, not just how
long you’re working. Don’t let time get away from you, and don’t fail to value
your time.
For more information or support visit our website
What’s New in Version 2.6.3
- optimised for iPhone 5
- when exporting an overview to email, line breaks are now preserved
- moved backup & restore screen to the Settings tab
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*Many Thanks to: Dissident, Rastignac, TTWJ, Hackulos and Kim-Jong Teams whose*
**hard work produced the tools and resources to bring free apps to the public**
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