Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Simple RSS Push v1 1 4 iOS 5 0+

Release Name: Simple RSS Push v1 1 4 iOS 5 0+
Release Name: 1.38 MB

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,,,,Title: Simple RSS Push v1.1.5 +##
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::: File Type: IPA ::: Date: 11/20/2012 :::
::: Platform: iOS 5.0+ ::: Cracker: Kim-Jong-Cracks :::
::: Protection: iTunes ::: Size: 1,441,821 bytes :::
Get the power of RSS and PUSH NOTIFICATIONS for your iPhone, iPod or iPad.
Simple RSS is the perfect tool for organizing, reading and accessing all your
news quickly and easily.
This amazing App you’ll receive Push Notifications ( Alert, Badge count and
Sound ) on your favorite news stories as soon they come out. And you can also
customize this notification by selecting the ON or OFF switch for each news
feed to which you’ve subscribed.
Naturally, you’ll need folders to organize your feeds, and Simple RSS can do
that easily too! You can also move feeds between folders, and rename or remove
them any time you wish. And each time you get new feeds into your folders or
receive new articles, the folder icon will show you how many articles there
still unread. You can also store your favorite articles and create bookmark
folders to help keep them all organized. And of course, you can move the
articles between the bookmark folders too.
Need to access articles from your Mac or PC? No problem!! You don’t have to
email or message to yourself. Just visit our Simple RSS Web App and all your
bookmarked articles and bookmark folders will be there automatically from the
cloud. You can then share any article via email, Facebook, Twitter or
Instapaper. You can also move articles between the bookmark folders or remove
articles when you don’t need them anymore. Your device will be automatically
updated with all the changes you have made.
Simple RSS have a powerful search tool that enables you to define the search
criteria for your feeds. Save the search and the next time you open it, the new
articles that match your criteria will be there automatically. You can also edit
your saved searches or move them into any folder to keep everything organized.
All those features in a very clean iOS interface.
- Push Notifications for your feeds, which you can customize by turning ON or
OFF for each feed you add. (in the Settings session)
- Feed Headnews into Alert Push Notifications.
- Add/Edit/Remove feeds. You can also use the built-in browse function to try to
automatically discover the feeds from the URL you entered.
- Google Reader Import.
- Create/Edit/Remove folders to better organize your feeds. You can also move
feeds between the folders.
- Unified View to browse all articles inside the folder.
Read All button.
- Option to Hide or Show viewed articles. For faster reading , just enable this
feature in the Settings session.
- Bookmark articles and check them on your Mac or PC from Simple RSS Web App.
- Bookmark folders to organize your favorite articles. You can
Create/Edit/Remove the bookmark folders at any time.
- Sync all your bookmarked articles and folders automatically. All you have to
do is to create your login (in the Settings session).
- In-app browser. You don’t need to switch to Safari to open web pages when
viewing articles, But if you need to go to Safari, there’s a quick and easy
button for that!
- In-app email for sharing articles, so you don’t need to switch to Mail App.
- Share with Facebook, Twitter or Instapaper (a free account from those services
is required to use this feature)
- Search whatever you need in all or only selected feeds. You can also save as
many searches you want and manage them later.
- Automatically sync your bookmarks and bookmark folders with Simple RSS Web
App. (a free account is needed to use this feature, in the Settings session)
- More features to come! We would love to hear your feedback and ideas!
What’s New in Version 1.1.5
- Fixed Twitter Error 404 when sharing articles into your twitter account.
- Optimized for iPhone5, new iPod Touch and iPad mini
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*Many Thanks to: Dissident, Rastignac, TTWJ, Hackulos and Kim-Jong Teams whose*
**hard work produced the tools and resources to bring free apps to the public**
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