Monday, December 10, 2012

franco.Kernel updater v8.2 Apk App

franco.Kernel updater v8.2

franco.Kernel updater v8.2

 This application is a must have if you have a Galaxy Nexus GSM or LTE version. It's a simple tool to download and update franco.Kernel for the Galaxy Nexus. It eases up the download and update check process for every user.



 Downloads the kernel directly from the ftp
 Checks for updates directly from the ftp
 Checks and downloads Imoseyon's kernel (new feature)
 Kernel auto-flash
 Cpu frequencies changer
 Governor changer
 Voltage control interface
 Kernel settings:
 Hotplug enabler
 Color Control - You're able to change GAMMA values and Color Multipliers to achieve the best color profile
 Sound Control - Increase the max volume of your device
 Download special franco.Kernel boot animation
 Wi-fi special mode to boost signal during streaming while on screen off
 Custom download path
 Live calibrated voltages panel
 Disable logger
 SQlite defrag on boot
 Dedicated milestone and nightly kernels changelogs

 What's in this version : (Updated : Dec 9, 2012)

 Add full support for the LG Nexus 4: franco.Kernel downloads, backup&restore, frequencies + governor control, power modes, device monitor, custom kernel settings. Its safe to use this app to control the frequencies because it protects the device against ramping to 1026MHz on screen touched.

 Required Android O/S : 4.0+


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