Wednesday, November 7, 2012

HT Professional Recorder v5 00 iOS 5 0+

Release Name: HT Professional Recorder v5 00 iOS 5 0+
Release Name: 1.65 MB

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,,,,Title: HT Professional Recorder v5.0 +##
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::: File Type: IPA ::: Date: 11/6/2012 :::
::: Platform: iOS 5.0+ ::: Cracker: Kim-Jong-Cracks :::
::: Protection: iTunes ::: Size: 1,723,823 bytes :::
Record and edit business meetings, lectures, and conferences right on the phone.
Awesome for students and business people. Captures sound at a distance. Take
notes while recording in the background.
HT Professional Recorder makes it possible to record conversations throughout a
large room, even in situations where the people talking are located several feet
away from the phone. Reinforces soft voices – even whispers – Ideal for college
lectures, board meetings, and conferences, as well as dictation. Automatically
skips silence during recording.
E-mail recordings as attachments, up to 1 hour long (30 minutes on older
Bookmarking feature makes it easy to remember and replay important moments.
Overwrite capability makes it easy to correct dictation.
This is the recorder to get if you care how things sound when recorded at a
distance. Signal processing algorithms capture conversations throughout a room,
recording both near and distant voices clearly.
Transfer recordings up to 30 minutes in length via E-mail, and recordings up to
15 hours in length via WiFi using your computer’s web browser or via an FTP
Note: Use on iPod Touch 2nd Generation requires external earbud microphone
accessory. iPhone will not record during cellular phone calls. HT Recorder is an
voice recorder – it does not perform automatic transcription of dictation to
- Exceptional sound quality for conversations >4 feet from the phone
- E-mail recordings up to 30 minutes in length as .WAV attachments.
- Overwrite capability permits correction of dictation.
- Append to any recording to keep ‘TODO’ lists in one place
- WiFi file transfer to any computer via simple web browser interface, or via
- 3 levels of microphone gain sensitivity
- Repeat mode
- Audio bookmarking lets you skip to important segments in an instant.
- Speed-up, slow-down, and jump to next/previous bookmark for quick review of
- Auto Record option starts recording when program launches.
- One-touch positioning to any point in the file
What’s New in Version 5.0
+ Support for iPhone 5 Retina Display
+ iOS 6 compatabiliy enhancements
+ This upgrade requires iOS version 5 or higher
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*Many Thanks to: Dissident, Rastignac, TTWJ, Hackulos and Kim-Jong Teams whose*
**hard work produced the tools and resources to bring free apps to the public**
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