Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Net Status (Remote Server Monitor) v1 9 3 v2 21 iOS 4 3+

Release Name: Net Status (Remote Server Monitor) v1 9 3 v2 21 iOS 4 3+
Release Name: 1.51 MB

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,,,,Title: Net Status – Remote Server Monitor v1.9.3 +##
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::: File Type: IPA ::: Date: 11/6/2012 :::
::: Platform: iOS 4.3+ ::: Cracker: Kim-Jong-Cracks :::
::: Protection: iTunes ::: Size: 1,570,544 bytes :::
Using Net Status you can get a fast glimpse of what is happening now with your
hosts, routers and other network devices connected to the Internet or LAN.
Net Status checks network services your hosts run for availability and present
the information in a convenient way aiming at providing a faster way to diagnose
network problems. With Net Status you can quickly and easily determine which
hosts and services are down from your monitoring list.
Network probes are performed using asynchronous algorithms that allow Net Status
to operate quite fast – a host with quite a lot of running services is checked
within fractions of a second. Even problematic hosts don’t slow down the check
process for a time much longer than a timeout you specify.
*** FEATURES ***
- Group hosts into multiple checklists
- Automatic scan of hosts for running services
- E-mail check results
- Predefined services for your convenience
- Possibility to add custom services
- Checks ICMP, TCP and UDP
- MAC address and hardware vendor lookup
- Wake on LAN or Wi-Fi (by MAC address)
- Wake over the Internet (using proper routers)
- Ping hosts with integrated tool
- WHOIS hostnames, IP addresses
- Faster asynchronous network I/O
- Works with Wi-Fi, 3G, EDGE and GPRS
- Eye-pleasing interface design
What’s New in Version 1.9.3
v1.9.3 adds following improvements (read full list):
- Optimized for the 4-inch Retina
- Enhanced for the iOS 6
- Significantly improved reliability and stability
- Improved detection of open ports, running services
- Speedup of checking non-firewalled/non-shaped hosts
- WHOIS supports many new TLDs and IDNs
- 32-bit internationalized domain names (IDN) support
- Corrected WHOIS output encoding for some TLDs and IDNs
- Significantly improved Wake on LAN (WOL)
- Auto-sending extra WOL packets to both LAN and WAN
- External IP address auto-filled in WOL settings
- Improved asynchronous DNS lookup logic
- Improved processing of A>CNAME>>CNAME>A records
- Fixed DNS packet unpacking bug
- Fixed rare ping socket pool overflow bug
- Fixed ping sequence overflow after 192 packets
- Updated vendors database
While the upcoming iPad UI update is still in the works we added some
improvements from the development branch along with the enhancements for iPhone
5 and iOS 6.
Special techniques of analysis of the network behavior of non-firewalled and
non-traffic-shaped network hosts provides faster speed of checking, and improved
reliability of detection of firewall status and network services of a host.
The Wake on LAN module is now easier to set up.
When a host is being added and scanned its record is automatically updated with
the external IP address of the router. Thus, there is no need to type in the WAN
IP address for WOL manually. Also, it now sends extra WOL packets to both LAN
and WAN eliminating the need to switch between LAN and WAN.
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*Many Thanks to: Dissident, Rastignac, TTWJ, Hackulos and Kim-Jong Teams whose*
**hard work produced the tools and resources to bring free apps to the public**
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